Enhance your outbound mail processing efficiency with DSI’s Mailing Machines for sale in Albuquerque. These comprehensive solutions enable you to effortlessly fold your documents, insert them into envelopes, seal them securely, and accurately apply the appropriate postage.
All with a click of a button!
Folds papers
and stuffs your envelopes
Seals on the fly,
no more mess!
Weighs and measures
to apply proper postage
Discount USPS
mailing rates
Automated tracking
and spending
Seal envelopes and apply postal indicia in a single pass
Keep track of departmental spending with standard 30 account
Include ad slogans, custom text messages, QR codes or company logos Save Money vs. Using Stamps
Save on Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express with reduced Rates
Generate reports based on shipment history, operator shipments, transactions
Compact, Powerful Mailing System
Flexible, Powerful Mailing System
Dynamic, High-Volume Mailing System
User-Friendly, High-Volume Production Mailing System
Our team of imaging experts helps businesses throughout the state lower costs and enjoy customized print solutions that address their needs.
Please complete this form if you’re in need of the best quality mailing machines for sale in Albuquerque, or any other document solutions, and we will be in touch shortly!